Choosing a Major

This week we’re talking about majors. I know, it’s sort of stressful trying to decide what you want to study and do for the rest of your life, I lied it’s very stressful. So, I’m gonna share how both me & one of my friend’s chose our majors!

My Journey

I’ve always known I wanted to be in media. It was something I never had to question or explore. However, at age 5 my idea of being in the media was being the next Beyoncé or being the next big Disney Channel star. As I got older I decided to look into working behind the scenes in media. I looked at everything, from filmmaking to the legal side until one day I stumbled upon public relations. It looked interesting enough, I loved keeping up with current events whether it was rooted in pop culture or politics and the way celebrities and businesses always seemed to bounce back intrigued me. Once I started to divulge deeper into the field I began to fall in love with the versatility of PR. I could do anything from social media to event planning and work in entertainment, politics, beauty or honestly anything else.

I know the way I came to my major is kind of different. A lot of people don’t know what they want to do until after they even graduate from college, most people change jobs multiple times in their lives. The best way to pick a major is to find a way to make your passion a career. That way maybe life won’t seem so daunting.


My friend Tamara had a different experience deciding what she wanted to do. She’s jumped from a dream of being of president, a chef, a party planner, an interior designer, or even literally Oprah, I’m not kidding she literally wanted to be Oprah Winfrey. Eventually Tamara decided to be a doctor. She came to this decision after watching a lot of Grey’s Anatomy. Of course, she couldn’t solely base her career off a television drama so she enrolled in medical biology in high school and the rest is history.

Have you picked your major? How’d you decide? Let me know in the comments!

14 Comments Add yours

  1. Kelly Kimmell says:

    I hope when it is my daughter’s turn to make this decision it will be easy for her. Good post.


  2. Laura Beth says:

    I took a business management class in high school and knew it was for me! Love this post.


  3. lifewiselady says:

    I decided to get a B.S. in business administration because I could not decide what I wanted to do after college. I wanted to keep my options open. I’m glad I did. Most businesses are happy to consider you as a job candidate with this type of degree. Most people don’t really know what they want in their late teens and early twenties and I don’t blame them.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. hanaya602 says:

    well I got my electrician degree because I wanted a different position in the airline industry. Unfortunately I got stuck because I graduated in 2008 when the recession started so I’ve been kind of stuck ever since. But I will keep an open mind and see what happens. Thanks good article


  5. I understand exactly what you mean. I wanted to study media too but I graduated with a degree in business administration.
    Thankfully, I landed a job in digital marketing and made a lot of progress in my career in just a year. That helped me convince my family why choosing media is not a risky choice. And here I am in my final year of post grad in media and journalism.


  6. Tosin Moji says:

    I went through about 4 majors before I finally landed on a double major in Music and Journalism. I think I knew what I wanted to do from the beginning but those majors aren’t typical Nigerian majors smh so I was hesitant to share it with my parents. But it all worked out and I’m loving what I do.


  7. youngwriters498 says:

    Im currently getting my B.S in Biology and I feel as though my career path is frazzled at the moment but I know that whatever I decide my heart and soul will be put into it.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Career planning and post secondary is a tricky process i am currently supporting my step daughter through this and she has had similar feelings.


  9. bauble stories says:

    I was a little all over the place but decided on adverting. Glad I chose it!


  10. Doctor Anni says:

    Choosing a major is tough and it is a very important decision to make. I knew early on what I wanted to focus on but I had many friends who ended up having to change their majors because they changed their minds.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. allmydealsindia says:

    I wish I knew this while I was in college


  12. oursamyatra says:

    I think when passion and liking will become same then nothing is stressful. So always take decision what you actually want to do in life.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Vinil Ramdev says:

    I studied marketing but never thought I would end up there. Most people don’t work in the area they studied. College is a time to explore, enjoy the process, make friends, live it. College was one of my best times ever. Just can’t forget those days.


  14. lucicoo says:

    I think loving what you going to school with help you in the long run.

    Liked by 1 person

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